Journey SegmentsAuf Deutsch

This page lists the journey segments for each "node" (a "node" usually being a place where you have a choice of roads, read: an intersection). Not every place I've been through is considered a "node", so if you're looking for a small place that is not in this list, try the search facility.

AchanaltKenmore Junction
 Achanalt to Achnasheen
Achnasheen to Achanalt
Achnasheen to Achanalt (alt. version - Rain)
Achanalt to Gorstan
Achanalt to Gorstan (alt. version - Rain)
Gorstan to Achanalt
  Kenmore Junction to Shieldaig (South) Junction
Shieldaig (South) Junction to Kenmore Junction
Fearnmore to Kenmore Junction
Kenmore Junction to Tornapress
Tornapress to Kenmore Junction
 Achiltibuie to Achnahaird
Achnahaird to Achiltibuie
Achiltibuie to Old Dornie Junction
Old Dornie Junction to Achiltibuie
Achiltibuie to Badenscallie
Badenscallie to Achiltibuie
  Kerrysdale to Gairloch
Gairloch to Kerrysdale
Kerrysdale to Talladale
Talladale to Kerrysdale
Talladale to Kerrysdale (alt. version - reduced quality; small number of photos)
Kerrysdale to Redpoint
Redpoint to Kerrysdale
 Achnacarnin to Culkein
Culkein to Achnacarnin
Achnacarnin to Stoer
Stoer to Achnacarnin
Achnacarnin to Stoer Lighthouse
Stoer Lighthouse to Achnacarnin
   Note: The Kinlochewe-Achnasheen road has been widened to two lanes or is in the process of being widened, so the photos are somewhat historical.
Kinlochewe to Talladale
Kinlochewe to Talladale (alt. version - reduced quality; small number of photos)
Talladale to Kinlochewe
Kinlochewe to Achnasheen
Kinlochewe to Achnasheen (alt. version - Rain)
Achnasheen to Kinlochewe
Kinlochewe to Torridon
Torridon to Kinlochewe
 Achnahaird to Achiltibuie
Achiltibuie to Achnahaird
Achnahaird to Aird of Coigach
Aird of Coigach to Achnahaird
Achnahaird to Altandhu
Altandhu to Achnahaird
  Kylesku to Skiag Bridge
Stoer to Kylesku
  Note: The Kinlochewe-Achnasheen road has been widened to two lanes or is in the process of being widened, so the photos are somewhat historical.
Achnasheen to Strathcarron Junction
Strathcarron Junction to Achnasheen
Achnasheen to Kinlochewe
Kinlochewe to Achnasheen
Kinlochewe to Achnasheen (alt. version - Rain)
Achnasheen to Achanalt
Achnasheen to Achanalt (alt. version - Rain)
Achanalt to Achnasheen
  Laide to Badcaul
Badcaul to Laide
Badcaul to Laide (alt. version - bad weather)
Laide to Mellon Udrigle
Mellon Udrigle to Laide
Laide to Aultbea
Laide to Aultbea (alt. version)
Aultbea to Laide
Aird of CoigachLedmore Junction
 Aird of Coigach to Inverkirkaig
Inverkirkaig to Aird of Coigach
Aird of Coigach to Drumrunie
Drumrunie to Aird of Coigach
Aird of Coigach to Achnahaird
Achnahaird to Aird of Coigach
  Ledmore Junction to Drumrunie
Drumrunie to Ledmore Junction
Ledmore Junction to Skiag Bridge
Skiag Bridge to Ledmore Junction
Allt na h-AirbheLochcarron
 Allt na h-Airbhe to Badrallach
Badrallach to Allt na h-Airbhe
Allt na h-Airbhe to Dundonnell
Dundonnell to Allt na h-Airbhe
  Lochcarron to Tornapress
Tornapress to Lochcarron
Lochcarron to Strathcarron Junction
Strathcarron Junction to Lochcarron
 Altandhu to Reiff
Reiff to Altandhu
Altandhu to Old Dornie Junction
Old Dornie Junction to Altandhu
Altandhu to Achnahaird
Achnahaird to Altandhu
  Lochinver to Inverkirkaig
Inverkirkaig to Lochinver
Lochinver to Stoer
Lochinver to Skiag Bridge
Skiag Bridge to Lochinver
Skiag Bridge to Lochinver (alt. version - torrential rainfall)
ApplecrossLower Diabaig
 Applecross to Toscaig
Toscaig to Applecross
Applecross to Fearnmore
Tornapress to Applecross
  Lower Diabaig to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Lower Diabaig
 Aultbea to Mellon Charles
Mellon Charles to Aultbea
Aultbea to Laide
Laide to Aultbea
Laide to Aultbea (alt. version)
Aultbea to Poolewe
Aultbea to Poolewe (alt. version - bad weather)
Poolewe to Aultbea
  Marybank to Maryburgh
Maryburgh to Marybank
Marybank to Contin
Contin to Marybank
 Badcaul to Badluarach
Badluarach to Badcaul
Badcaul to Laide
Badcaul to Laide (alt. version - bad weather)
Laide to Badcaul
Badcaul to Dundonnell
Dundonnell to Badcaul
  Maryburgh to Marybank
Marybank to Maryburgh
Maryburgh to Tore
Tore to Maryburgh
BadenscallieMellon Charles
 Badenscallie to Culnacraig
Culnacraig to Badenscallie
Badenscallie to Badenscallie Burial Ground
Badenscallie Burial Ground to Badenscallie
Badenscallie to Achiltibuie
Achiltibuie to Badenscallie
  Mellon Charles to Aultbea
Aultbea to Mellon Charles
Badenscallie Burial GroundMellon Udrigle
 Badenscallie Burial Ground to Badenscallie
Badenscallie to Badenscallie Burial Ground
  Mellon Udrigle to Laide
Laide to Mellon Udrigle
Mellon Udrigle to Opinan
Opinan to Mellon Udrigle
 Badluarach to Badcaul
Badcaul to Badluarach
  Melvaig to Rubha Reidh
Rubha Reidh to Melvaig
Melvaig to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Melvaig
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Melvaig (alt. version - L.A. Weather)
BadrallachNorth Erradale
 Badrallach to Allt na h-Airbhe
Allt na h-Airbhe to Badrallach
  North Erradale to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale
Big SandNorth Erradale (B8021 Junction)
 Big Sand to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to Big Sand
  North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale (B8021 Junction) (alt. version - L.A. Weather)
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale
North Erradale to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Melvaig
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Melvaig (alt. version - L.A. Weather)
Melvaig to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction)Old Dornie
 Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to North Erradale (B8021 Junction) (alt. version - L.A. Weather)
North Erradale (B8021 Junction) to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to Gairloch
Gairloch to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to Big Sand
Big Sand to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
  Old Dornie to Old Dornie Junction
Old Dornie Junction to Old Dornie
BlarnalearochOld Dornie Junction
 Blarnalearoch to Inverlael
Inverlael to Blarnalearoch
  Old Dornie Junction to Old Dornie
Old Dornie to Old Dornie Junction
Old Dornie Junction to Achiltibuie
Achiltibuie to Old Dornie Junction
Old Dornie Junction to Altandhu
Altandhu to Old Dornie Junction
Braemore JunctionOpinan
 Braemore Junction to Gorstan
Gorstan to Braemore Junction
Braemore Junction to Inverlael
Inverlael to Braemore Junction
Braemore Junction to Dundonnell
Dundonnell to Braemore Junction
  Opinan to Mellon Udrigle
Mellon Udrigle to Opinan
Braes of UllapoolPoolewe
 Braes of Ullapool to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Braes of Ullapool
  Poolewe to Inverasdale
Inverasdale to Poolewe
Poolewe to Aultbea
Aultbea to Poolewe
Aultbea to Poolewe (alt. version - bad weather)
Poolewe to Gairloch
Gairloch to Poolewe
Gairloch to Poolewe (alt. version)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)Redpoint
 Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Ullapool
Ullapool to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Inverlael
Inverlael to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Braes of Ullapool
Braes of Ullapool to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
  Redpoint to Kerrysdale
Kerrysdale to Redpoint
 Contin to Marybank
Marybank to Contin
Contin to Gorstan
Gorstan to Contin
  Reiff to Altandhu
Altandhu to Reiff
 Cove to Inverasdale
Inverasdale to Cove
  Rhue to Rhue (A835) Junction
Rhue (A835) Junction to Rhue
CulkeinRhue (A835) Junction
 Culkein to Achnacarnin
Achnacarnin to Culkein
  Rhue (A835) Junction to Drumrunie
Drumrunie to Rhue (A835) Junction
Rhue (A835) Junction to Rhue
Rhue to Rhue (A835) Junction
Rhue (A835) Junction to Ullapool
Ullapool to Rhue (A835) Junction
CulnacraigRubha Reidh
 Culnacraig to Badenscallie
Badenscallie to Culnacraig
  Rubha Reidh to Melvaig
Melvaig to Rubha Reidh
 Drumrunie to Aird of Coigach
Aird of Coigach to Drumrunie
Drumrunie to Ledmore Junction
Ledmore Junction to Drumrunie
Drumrunie to Rhue (A835) Junction
Rhue (A835) Junction to Drumrunie
  Shieldaig to Torridon
Torridon to Shieldaig
Shieldaig to Shieldaig (South) Junction
Shieldaig to Shieldaig (South) Junction
Shieldaig (South) Junction to Shieldaig
DundonnellShieldaig (South) Junction
 Dundonnell to Badcaul
Badcaul to Dundonnell
Dundonnell to Allt na h-Airbhe
Allt na h-Airbhe to Dundonnell
Dundonnell to Braemore Junction
Braemore Junction to Dundonnell
  Shieldaig (South) Junction to Shieldaig
Shieldaig to Shieldaig (South) Junction
Shieldaig to Shieldaig (South) Junction
Shieldaig (South) Junction to Kenmore Junction
Kenmore Junction to Shieldaig (South) Junction
FearnmoreSkiag Bridge
 Fearnmore to Kenmore Junction
Applecross to Fearnmore
  Kylesku to Skiag Bridge
Skiag Bridge to Ledmore Junction
Ledmore Junction to Skiag Bridge
Skiag Bridge to Lochinver
Skiag Bridge to Lochinver (alt. version - torrential rainfall)
Lochinver to Skiag Bridge
 Gairloch to Poolewe
Gairloch to Poolewe (alt. version)
Poolewe to Gairloch
Gairloch to Big Sand (B8021 Junction)
Big Sand (B8021 Junction) to Gairloch
Gairloch to Kerrysdale
Kerrysdale to Gairloch
  Stoer to Kylesku
Stoer to Achnacarnin
Achnacarnin to Stoer
Lochinver to Stoer
GorstanStoer Lighthouse
 Gorstan to Braemore Junction
Braemore Junction to Gorstan
Gorstan to Achanalt
Achanalt to Gorstan
Achanalt to Gorstan (alt. version - Rain)
Gorstan to Contin
Contin to Gorstan
  Stoer Lighthouse to Achnacarnin
Achnacarnin to Stoer Lighthouse
InveralliginStrathcarron Junction
 Inveralligin to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Lower Diabaig
Lower Diabaig to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Torridon
Torridon to Inveralligin
  Strathcarron Junction to Lochcarron
Lochcarron to Strathcarron Junction
Strathcarron Junction to Achnasheen
Achnasheen to Strathcarron Junction
 Inveralligin to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Inveralligin
  Talladale to Kerrysdale
Talladale to Kerrysdale (alt. version - reduced quality; small number of photos)
Kerrysdale to Talladale
Talladale to Kinlochewe
Kinlochewe to Talladale
Kinlochewe to Talladale (alt. version - reduced quality; small number of photos)
 Inverasdale to Cove
Cove to Inverasdale
Inverasdale to Poolewe
Poolewe to Inverasdale
  Tore to Inverness (Longman)
Inverness (Longman) to Tore
Tore to Maryburgh
Maryburgh to Tore
 Inverkirkaig to Lochinver
Lochinver to Inverkirkaig
Inverkirkaig to Aird of Coigach
Aird of Coigach to Inverkirkaig
  Tornapress to Kenmore Junction
Kenmore Junction to Tornapress
Tornapress to Applecross
Tornapress to Lochcarron
Lochcarron to Tornapress
 Inverlael to Braemore Junction
Braemore Junction to Inverlael
Inverlael to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Inverlael
Inverlael to Blarnalearoch
Blarnalearoch to Inverlael
  Torridon to Kinlochewe
Kinlochewe to Torridon
Torridon to Shieldaig
Shieldaig to Torridon
Torridon to Inveralligin
Inveralligin to Torridon
 Inverness to Inverness (Longman)
Inverness (Longman) to Inverness
  Toscaig to Applecross
Applecross to Toscaig
Inverness (Longman)Ullapool
 Inverness (Longman) to Tore
Tore to Inverness (Longman)
Inverness (Longman) to Inverness
Inverness to Inverness (Longman)
  Ullapool to Rhue (A835) Junction
Rhue (A835) Junction to Ullapool
Ullapool to Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction)
Braes of Ullapool (A835 Junction) to Ullapool

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